Our School

Grades Taught



There is a strong sense of community in Tomahawk School. People know and accept everyone else. Everyone is given the chance to find their niche. Because the school is small, every student has the opportunity to participate, and they eagerly seek out opportunities to try new things, through our range of complementary courses such as music, drama, art, sports, medicine, sewing, foods and more. Not all students show well on tests and not every student is athletic. The goal is to help the students find what they can be successful at, and help them in the areas where they need support.




Ward 1


Tracey Gilmour


Aileen Wagner


The grass is greener here.

Unique Features of Tomahawk School

  • K to 9 on campus site in a rural setting
  • High level of technology integration (Smartboards in every classroom, computer lab, class set of student laptops)
  • Staff members have a strong sense of team, and a willingness to take risks to improve instruction
  • Family-like atmosphere
  • Frequent and effective communication with parents and students through agendas, emails, phone calls, progress reports
  • High expectations for personal and academic success
  • Frequent opportunities for student leadership (social action projects, student-led assemblies, student-led conferences, Grade 9 trip)
  • Community library

Student Success

Students are successful when they can show that they have made significant progress in their learning, and when they can show their learning in a way that is meaningful to them. Students experience success at Tomahawk School when they feel that their learning is interesting and engaging. Success at Tomahawk School is founded on the notion that students need to be equipped with the skills to work with others to solve problems and to think critically about information.

What Makes Us Proud

The students at Tomahawk School demonstrate a high degree of citizenship and social responsibility. They are respectful and cooperative, and this is noticed frequently by visitors to our building, or by community members we meet when we leave the building. We are proud of the warm and welcoming atmosphere that we have at Tomahawk School. We are also proud of the way staff members work hard to address the needs of all learners, and to make learning challenging and engaging.

What Makes Tomahawk a Great School

We are experiencing tremendous success at Tomahawk School. Our Accountability Pillar and Satisfaction Survey Results are at their highest levels in recent history.

Consider the following:

  • Tomahawk School received a rating of excellence in the following areas on the Provincial Accountability Pillar:
    • Safe and Caring Schools (91.8% Satisfaction)
    • Parental Involvement (92.6% Satisfaction)
    • School Improvement (81.4% Satisfaction)
    • Quality of Education (93.1% Satisfaction)
    • Citizenship (90.5% Satisfaction)
  • 100% of our surveyed parents indicate that they are happy with the overall quality of education and that they like their child’s school.
  • At 93.1%, we have increased our satisfaction results by 10% in the past two years that parents, students and teachers are satisfied with the overall quality of basic education.

Tomahawk School is a true “community school.” Our students actively participate in a number of citizenship activities and we are always involved in raising awareness in our community. We’ve raised funds for the Stollery Children's Hospital through the Hair Massacure; we’ve participated in the Vancouver Sun Run with over 50,000 other runners; we’ve worn our shades to raise funds for the CNIB. Our students and our Student Union are always looking for new ways to be involved in the community-at-large.